Monday, March 1, 2010

Thing 5

Video Theme: Things I Dislike

Create your own video slideshow at

Write about your experience using Animoto. What did you like/dislike and why? How could you use this in any of your classes? List other themes or possible uses in or outside of school

Animoto was an alright way to make slideshows,but there are a few things that bothered me. The first issue was the music; I know that copyright issues have be kept in mind, but the selecton wasn't really great. Also the fact that if you mess up on the text or something else small you have to restart the whole video kind of annoyed me. I also think the effects they put with it are kind of weird and take away from the pictures. I don't think I would use this for a class because the effects would be too distracting from the subject we are learning about. I might be willing to use the site again for fun, but not for anything serious. I find it much easier/ fun to make slideshows on my own computer because I get to be in control of the timing, effects and other such variables.